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Phillips: Ideological Politics Have no Place in the Exam Room

Today, Rep. Dean Phillips released the following statement on the Supreme Court’s refusal to act on a request to block a Texas law prohibiting most abortions after about 6 weeks, ushering in the most restrictive abortion measure in the nation.

“I am deeply troubled by the Supreme Court’s unwillingness to examine a law which I believe is overly restrictive, and I continue to be appalled by repeated assaults on women's health care in statehouses and courtrooms across the country. Hardened ideological politics have no place in an exam room, especially when they interfere with a care provider’s ability to advise and support their patient. While I understand people have deeply-held personal beliefs on this subject, Roe v. Wade guarantees a woman’s right to choose, and I strongly oppose efforts to erode that right.”

Rep. Phillips is calling on his fellow members to join him as cosponsors of the Women’s Health Protection Act. The billled by Rep. Judy Chu —would protect health care providers’ ability to deliver abortion services free from medically unnecessary and onerous restrictions, such as waiting periods, admitting privilege requirements for providers, or unnecessary medical procedures, like ultrasounds.
